We whole-heatedly agree with the below information. Blah, blah, blah advertising is what many local clients want versus what they really need. It has been awhile since we have revisited the "selling the hole and not the drill bit" information so we thought we would share this with you from one of our colleagues and dear friend Jim Doyle.
"One of my favorite Doyle-isms is “Sell the hole, not the drill bit.” This is Jim’s multi-purpose advice. What he means is this: don’t focus on the tools or technology, focus on the motivation and emotion. It applies not only in our selling process with a client – you should talk about increased customers and more sales, not your tower height or how many unique visitors you have– but also to our approach to creative. Way too often we see classic “drill bit selling” in client creative. It’s the dentist who insists on showing a commercial of him examining a mouth (that’s literally selling the drill bit!) or the auto service center commercial that shows a mechanic under the hood – NO KIDDING! Jim says sell the hole – that’s what the customer wants to buy. They don’t want cavities drilled, they want a healthy smile. They don’t want a new radiator hose, they want a car that runstrouble free. Sell the hole." information provided by www.jimdoyle.com and Tom Ray |
February 2022
RATES AgencyWe strive to provide quality service while maintaining productive growth for our clients. |